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Strömgatan 18, Stockholm, Sweden
(+46) 322.170.71

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Team Experiences

Promova Novas Ideias e Conceitos em Equipa

Promova experiências originais em equipa, que envolvam o descobrir de novas ideias e conceitos. Crie uma pequena competição dentro de cada desafio, para promover aquele grau de competitividade ‘qb’ e puxar pelos participantes. Vamos experimentar algo novo e original?

  • Pottery Workshop
  • Handmade Soap Workshop
  • Macramé Workshop
  • Tile Workshop + Cheese and Wine Tasting
  • Painting Workshop (T-shirts, Easter Eggs, Canvases)
  • Painting in the Dark Workshop
  • Graffiti Workshop + Street Art Tour in a Tuk-Tuk
  • Puzzle Mural - Pieces divided between teams, painted by everyone, where the final result is only revealed at the end. Ideal for posting in the company department.
  • Thai Food Workshop
  • Italian Food Workshop
  • Vegetarian Cookery Workshop
  • Chocolate Workshop
  • Pastéis de Nata Workshop
  • Mafra Bread Workshop with Ingredient Hunt
  • Coffee Workshop
  • Cocktail Workshop
  • Visit to the Gin Theme Park + Gin Workshop
  • Winery Tour + Wine Tasting + Wine Bleending - Create your own wine from different grape varieties
  • Visits and Challenges at Emblematic Sites, such as Monuments or Historic Centres
  • Visits and Challenges in Learning Spaces such as Caves or Castles
  • Peddy Paper through Emblematic Places and Establishments
  • Themed Escape Game, Adapted to the Selected Location.
  • Make-up Workshop
  • Workshop/Yoga Class
  • Workshop/Dance Class
  • Leadership Workshop
  • Public Speaking Workshop
  • Motivational talks

Para completar o seu evento, junte-lhe o catering, animações, estruturas e os adereços certos. Clique para ver Equipamentos e Animações.